Current Turnaround: 24-Hours
Nail Pathogen Testing
Nail fungus and bacteria is most prevalent in older adults or patients with a weakened immune system including, diabetes, HIV, poor peripheral circulation, or peripheral neuropathy (sensory loss in the lower extremities). The possibility of contracting a nail pathogen increases in households and co-habitable areas with infected members and in communal environments. According to the American Diabetes Association, studies have shown a higher risk of gangrene and foot ulcers and an increased risk of amputation in diabetics with onychomycosis compared to those without the infection.
Onychomycosis (tinea unguium), or fungal infection of the nail, causes almost half of all nail pathologies worldwide. The clinical features of onychomycosis can be confused with and mimic other nail pathologies such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, lichen planus (an inflammatory rash-causing grooves or ridges in nail plate), and malignant melanoma. Leading to problems with physical agility, pain, paresthesia, and difficulty with walking and wearing shoes.
Fast Track Treatments
Patients Choice NAIL+ test delivers advanced DNA analysis using Real-Time PCR technology, providing absolute identification of microorganisms within 24-hours. The NAIL+ test provides insight into microorganisms contributing to polymicrobial infection, quantification, and resistance gene identification with custom treatment recommendations leading to increased patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs.
This State-of-the-art technology and Antimicrobial Stewardship Program aims to improve the effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment and patient outcomes by proving physicians with the tools they need to optimize the use of advanced diagnostics.

Patients Choice Advantage
Same-day results from when the sample arrives at the lab.
Changes the way infections are diagnosed and treated by identifying microbes by their DNA.
Molecular technology can find and identify polymicrobial infections.
Faster more accurate results, allowing physicians to act sooner and with more precision than ever.
Identification of resistant genes so that targeted therapy can be implemented from the onset of diagnosis.
Ability to detect bacterial and fungal microbes, many that are viable-but-nonculturable.
Partnered with world-class PharmD group for personalized treatment recommendations
Molecular Diagnostics vs. Conventional (KOH Preparation & Culture)
Patients Choice Molecular PCR
Identification within 24 hours
High sensitivity for detecting multiple organisms including fungal
Detects antibiotic resistance genes
Labs With Conventional Method
Takes 3 to 5 days for results (Fungal can take 4 weeks or longer)
Unable to identify pathogens 30%-50% of the time
KOH method does not identify genus, species, or specific pathogen

1 in 10
people have nail fungus4
1 in 2
people over the age of 70
have nail fungus4
higher risk for nail infection for people with psoriasis5
of diabetics have nail fungus6

Although fungal infections are considered common and usually not painful, unless it becomes severe, it’s important to note they can be an indication of a weakened immune system, blood circulation problems, diabetes, or athlete’s foot.1

The possibility of contracting a fungal infection increases in co-habitual area including households, dorms, locker rooms, and long term care facilities.

Increasing evidence suggests fungal nail infections are significant predictors in the development of foot ulcers. This can be a concern for people with diabetes where foot ulcers are a leading cause of foot amputation and hospitalizations.2
Fungal nail infections can cause the nails to become brittle and crack, or fall off completely, creating an entry point for bacteria to enter. This bacteria can cause painful acute and chronic infections around the nail called, Paronychia, which is most commonly caused by staph.3
1. https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/nail-infections.html 2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19489654/ 3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544307/ 4. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/11303-toenail-fungus 5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9205520/ 6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9892911/ 7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21605185/